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SeaWorld Trip 2023

Thanks for signing up for our trip to SeaWorld Orlando. It's going to be an incredible trip. You will make memories that will last a lifetime. Please read over all of the information and guidelines on this page so that we can all have a safe and pleasant trip.

Trip Plans & Guidelines

First off, please make sure you have your balances paid 100%.

Also, make sure your liability form is signed by a parent or guardian and turned in. We can't let anyone on the bus without those two important things taken care of.


Please download the SeaWorld Orlando APP.

You can see ride wait-times as well as a map of the parks.

It will also give you times when the shows are performing.


The day of the trip, July 19th:


Please plan to arrive in the Ignite parking lot by 6am.


-Please remember as you plan out what you are going to wear, that it will be around 90 degrees outside and sunny.

-Dress appropriately for the day. Jeans, long pants, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, hoodies, and other baggy style clothes ARE NOT recommended. You may wear such items on the ride down if you would like, but please plan on shorts, a t-shirt, and comfortable footwear while we are in the parks. Please do not wear anything that reveals anything inappropriate. If in doubt, ask us.


-There are a few water rides, so if you do plan on riding on them understand they are all designed to get you soaked. You can bring a change of clothes, but understand you may need to carry them with you all day. If you ride them early in the day, the sun will dry you off. Just remember that we have a 3 hour ride back home and you will be more comfortable if you are dry.


-Sunscreen, hats, sun glasses are recommended for the day.



Once we leave, we will drive around an hour and stop @ Buc-ee's in St. Augustine to grab breakfast. We will try to keep this stop to 15-20 minutes. Please take advantage of the restrooms @ Buc-ee's, they are really nice. We will try to leave Buc-ee's and head straight to the parks, but if we do need to stop at a rest area, we will.




Remember to stay hydrated.

Most of the food places will give you free ice water if you ask them. You don't even have to eat there, just ask for a cup of ice water. You can also purchase bottled water. Drink Lots of Water!!!



The all-day dining deal allows you to eat around SeaWorld® at participating restaurant locations as often as once every 90 minutes. Valid locations include:

  • Voyager's Smokehouse

  • Expedition Café

  • Captain Pete's Island Hot Dogs

  • Seafire Grill

  • Lakeside Grill

  • Altitude Burger

  • Panini Shore Café

  • Waterway Grill

You can redeem 1 entree, 1 side OR 1 dessert & 1 regular sized beverage every 90 minutes.

Even if you are not hungry, at least get a drink every chance you get.


Let's Go Home

We will meet at the front of the park @ 7pm.

We will probably return to Ignite around 10:30pm.


We are a church that diligently seeks to lead people into an authentic relationship with God.


542284 U.S. Hwy 1 

Callahan, Florida 32011




© Crossroads Church

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